Saturday, October 31, 2009

33 P R I N C E S S . R E M I X

another character project, this time a completely different take on the film, princess bride, trying to push it over into something completely new just to find out how far it will stretch. went for an aesthetic with a toy like feel and design style based on the idea of: geometric versus organic

©perry dixon maple


Zachary said...

You and your crazy maya models! Great job, as always.

RICKhart said...

These are great! I love your spade-shaped character.

Anna Topuriya said...

Perry I love your work

Jesse Maccabe said...

coooool :)

Garlicandy said...

u are amazing mr.maple!!
love ur characters

Ilya said...

I like the lines on the first character, although the buttercup and Spaniard are fun.

Olivia said...

Why did you choose that body style for the radio/tv head? What inspired that v shape? Symmetry?