Sunday, December 20, 2009

Friday, November 27, 2009

36 D A P P A - V I L L E

some old and new stuff for "dappa-ville" that had been mysteriously missing from my blog for all this time. psp skins, old cg shots, and album covers

©perry dixon maple

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

35 P U R R R F E C T

developments on the corsair project, moving into 3d and altering the style a bit to something less edgy, and a tad more familiar. attempting a steam boat willie - gone sexy elongated, sort of style mixture there are two models i made and rigged, in maya, of the heroins and a mostly completed model of her apartment where one of the scenes will occur. still working on some more characters and costumes for these two, will be updating with more very soon! stay tuned.

©perry dixon maple

Saturday, October 31, 2009

33 P R I N C E S S . R E M I X

another character project, this time a completely different take on the film, princess bride, trying to push it over into something completely new just to find out how far it will stretch. went for an aesthetic with a toy like feel and design style based on the idea of: geometric versus organic

©perry dixon maple

Sunday, September 27, 2009

31 G A R G O Y A L . T O W E R

^click character to see more^

some character development
for "gargoyal"

©perry dixon maple

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

29 A C R O S S . T H E . W A T E R

overlapping, three layer silkscreen this print was an absolute pain, the screen kept getting clogged, and with all the color variations the whole process ended up taking far more time than expected but hey, that's how it goes the prints came out good in the end and that's all that counts.

this is a print about the little egg girl, les oufs, featuring several of the characters from her story she is on the left, holding her imaginary friend's hand, while the others range from the magic serpent which will grant three-and-a half wishes, no more no less! to the evil shadow man on the very end, hanging on to the edge of the cliff, who wishes to eat her imaginary friend's heart, here in a 20X27" print.

©perry dixon maple

Sunday, June 28, 2009

P E A C H . F U Z Z

Friday, June 19, 2009

Y O U . C A N . R U N

20X30" silkscreen print

Sunday, June 07, 2009

22 . d a p p a . m o r p h

quick little morphing exercise from 2d animation class.
used four characters from dappa and had to
turn them into one another. frames drawn
in illustrator. click to see quicker version.
(c)perry dixon maple

Friday, April 10, 2009

A U D I O . A R M A D A

Friday, March 27, 2009