Saturday, February 22, 2014

C A T W O M A N . S I M P L E . M O D E L

So I couldn't resist - modeled up Catwoman and her companion Isis from the BATMAN SIMPLE lineup.

Pretty happy with the way they turned out. Hope you like them. Made with Cinema4D.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

F U R I O U S . F I S T S . P A T T E R N . P R I N T

Furious Fists Pattern Prints - Perry Dixon Maple
Working on some new stuff for Furious Fists. A personal 
project video game concept. Checkout additional art for it here

Thursday, February 06, 2014

B A T M A N . S I M P L E


Stuck in a car for much of the Holidays I finally had time to sketch up 

this simplified revamp of Batman and Friends!